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The IoT is one of those amazing bits of technology that will give us a remarkable edge. It will also cut both ways. It is automating many jobs and making them much easier to do and offering very lucrative jobs for those who are in possession of the right skill set.

Still, its unavoidable that IoT is going to kill many jobs. In manufacturing alone the IoT is going to eliminate millions of jobs as they are replaced by what machines can do.

Add to that the fact that IoT and cognitive computing combined are going to threaten many top level and very prestigious positions as our advancing computers learn how to do jobs that require thought as opposed to just mechanical tasks.

Make AI and IoT Work Harder to Your Benefit. 

The intelligent employee is going to try to find the best way to leverage the changes in AI and the rapidly growing power of IoT. Thomas Davenport, professor at Babson College recommends that employees who are concerned about losing their jobs look for ways to use the power of AI and IoT as opposed to allowing it to automate jobs alone.

Tap Into Crowd Powe . 

According to Tripp Braden who recruits for Strategic Performance Partner ” “Most businesses are built on the idea of an ideal worker being like an eagle, strong, self-motivated, and independent worker.” The typical model is becoming a lot more team powered and companies and individuals need to take advantage of that in order to future proof their jobs.

Tamara McCleary agreed with that assessment. “As we head into a new age, we are disrupting the notion of one job being completely distinct from another. IoT is also leading to shifts in collaboration between fields,” McCleary continued to state that . “It is breaking down barriers between different fields such as big data, security, energy and utilities, smart buildings, and industrial manufacturing. And for many companies, IoT is enabling a transition from product to services. This shift demands more skill versatility from workers.”

Be an Expert in Your Field and Constantly Learn.

Its not enough to become an expert, but you must also learn consistently and continue to grow in your chosen career field. If some area of that field is being automated, becoming an expert in the automation and how it can benefit your company is going to future proof your job and keep you ahead of the game.

Build Your Own Brand. 

Become what is known as a thought leader in your area. Even if you don’t know all that there is to know about Iot or AI, get great professional head shots. Build your brand on LinkedIn and also on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. If you’re visible only on LinkedIn, with just 184 million users and you are conspicuously absent on Facebook (1.5 billion users) then you’re not doing as much as you could be to build that brand and surpass the other thought leaders in your arena.

Make Smart Choices.

Whatever business you are in, make smart choices and decisions that will future proof your job. Gather as much data as you can and use it to make better business decisions that will show you up as a leader in thought and in action.

Be Creative and Be Forward Thinking.

What works today in IoT and your job isn’t going to work tomorrow. Be willing to adapt in order to overcome obstacles and problems in your job. In order to future proof your position, you’re going to have to be willing to change as rapidly and as dramatically as IoT is changing.
