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IoT Central Digest, June 19, 2016

Here is the latest issue of the IoTC Digest. Our community continues to grow and more members are contributing pieces for discussion and knowledge. If you're interested in being featured, we always welcome your contributions on all things IoT Infrastructure, IoT Application Development, IoT Data and IoT Security, and more. All members can post on IoT Central. Consider contributing today. Our guidelines are here.

Featured Articles

Internet of Things Checklist: 4 IoT Prerequisites

Posted by Marcus Jensen

The application of the internet has moved past the cyber world and is spilling into the physical realm. Internet of things (IoT) is transforming everyday man-made landscape and making it smarter: from health care and home automation to public transportation and factory operations, humans are breaking new ground at a staggering rate.

Security-First Design for IoT Devices

Posted by Bill Graham

The Stuxnet malware was a wake-up call for embedded device security when it became public knowledge in 2010. Its sophistication and purpose made it clear that industrial control systems and the embedded systems used to control and monitor critical infrastructure were at risk. Machine to Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) realities mean that more and more devices are being deployed and connected to each other. This connectivity is both the promise of IoT (data gathering, intelligent control, analytics, etc.) and its Achilles’ heel. With ubiquitous connectivity comes security threats - the reason security has received such a high profile in recent discussions of IoT. 

Smarthome Security Concerns: The Question of Privacy

Posted by Nate Vickery

Today, we are building Smart homes. Our home appliances, our home security systems, our ACs, and not to mention our media sources – they are all connected and monitored via our smartphones, tablets and smartwatches. But when all of our technical devices, our homes, and finally our lives become completely automated – how are we going to maintain a safe environment? How are we going to protect our privacy? And what is the real price of conform? Let’s examine some of the Smarthome security concerns that you should be aware of, if you value your privacy.

Sensory Overload: Digesting Data From The IoT

Posted by Amy Krishnamohan

Have heard about the magic pill? Not sure how it works, but it helps you lose 20 pounds in a week while consuming the same calories as before. And you’ve probably also heard about the scary side effects of that pill. The need for magic pills is appearing in the IoT market as well. Thanks to the explosion of sensors to measure everything imaginable within the Internet of Things, enterprises are confronted with a never-ending buffet of tempting data.

The Top 50 IoT People to Follow on Twitter

Posted by David Oro 

I recently shared the Top 10 Books to Read Now on IoT. In an attempt to keep everyone smarter and share resources in the most simple way, I created the ever ubiquitous listicle by compiling what I believe are the Top 50 IoT people to follow on Twitter. These are, as far as I can tell, real people and not brands. 

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David Oro is the Editor at IoT Central
